劉大剛 王明年
(西南交通大學 地下工程系,四川 成都 610031)
摘 要:位移判定基準的設定是采用位移量測信息評價隧道結構安全性的一個關鍵性問題,傳統位移控制基準值的確定方法通常依賴于工程經驗,其數據的可靠性不大。本文通過采用支護開裂觀察、位移速率信息兩個指標進行綜合分析,提出四個位移監測管理水平,并根據實測位移-時間時態曲線確定了各管理水平的位移控制基準值,以實現隧道結構安全性評價的準確性。
中圖分類號:U459.5 文獻標識碼:A
Study on Displacement Judgement Criteria of Road Tunnel
LIU Da-gang WANG Ming-nian
(Dept. of Underground Engineering,
Abstract: The enactment of displacement determinant criteria is one of the pivotal issues for evaluating security of tunnel structure introduce displacement measure information. The traditional method ensuring the value of displacement determinant criteria depends on engineering experience usually, so reliability of the value is bad. This paper advances four managing level for displacement measurement by synthesizing two indexes of timbering craze examining and displacement velocity information and ensures their each value of displacement determinant criteria depending on displacement-time tense curve, the aim is to realize the veracity of evaluating security of tunnel structure.
Key words: road tunnel; displacement cortrol criteria; managing level for displacement measurement; displacement-time tense curve